
Showing posts from November, 2020

What's The Difference?

The Stats From the National Association of Realtors (NAR). Brokerages: 106k Realtors: 1.39m % of Realtors that are also Brokers: 22% Average Realtor: 55, white, female, college education, homeowner Average income: 50k Average hours worked: 36 What's the difference, anyway?  The differences I noticed among the agents I interviewed and myself... Me v.s. "average" Realtors - I'm the first bullet point, average realtor is the second bullet point 1. Communication      - Social media, instant messaging, texting, CRM, Personal Notes, team player     - Call, email, not good at calling back, shady with other agents 2. Paperwork     - Electronic signatures, Airdrop, Dotloop, electronic files     - Hardcopy files, snail mail, print/scan, wet signatures 3. Advertising     - FB, Google, Snapchat, Blogs     - Print media, commercials, celeb testimonials, mailers      4. Agency     - Broker choice, license...