Action Steps
I took week ONE to get my feet wet. In week two I began smooth sailing through every goal I had in mind. I seriously felt as though it was virtually effortless. Another quick reminder of the goals I set for week TWO because, yeah... I still need it, okay! 8/31 - 9/14 1. Vet mentors... make the choice count. 2. Meet with and mentor your chosen mentors. 3. Physically implement what I learn. 4. Start blog, track progress Here are some decision highlights ~ MENTORS: Allison Whittaker, Sandy Colins, Pete Slaugh, Matt Helsel TAKE AWAYS: Organization tips, Business tricks, Team structures, Automation, Task delegation This project could either be a huge waste of time, or it could be hella beneficial to my professional skillset. At the end of the day, I want this to be worthwhile... so I was strategic in every single choice, definitely did not give myself any gimmes, if ya ...